The Super Typhoon Mawar Experience (With Pictures)

Super Typhoon Mawar has just pummeled the island of Guam, and it left many in disbelief and without power and water.

Not cool.

Like many others, I am happy to say that I was able to survive Super Typhoon Mawar and can now share my experience.

Okay, that was a bit dramatic, but in all honesty, this typhoon was no joke.

Being a Guam resident has its perks, as the island possesses amazing beauty, white sandy beaches, and a lifestyle like no other.

However, with everything nice in life comes some kind of discrepancy.

It’s not the greatest thing, but it’s also not the worst.

In this case, it’s typhoons.

But if we can understand them and prepare for them, things won’t be as complicated as others make it.

All we have to do is learn to endure and ultimately survive.

The Arrival of Super Typhoon Mawar


I’ve been through several typhoons in my life, but Mawar hit differently.


I was part of the disaster that Typhoon Omar brought in 1992, and I also felt the wrath of Typhoon Pongsona and its heavy rain.

I’ve also been in the middle of many tropical storms, tropical depressions, and other typhoons that weren’t as significant.

However, none were as powerful and ferocious as Super Typhoon Mawar.

What made Super Typhoon Mawar different?

Hmmm…let’s see.

Super Typhoon Mawar Lasted Forever

Typhoons come and go, and that’s just how they operate.

Super Typhoon Mawar wasn’t your typical typhoon, as it decided to stick around a lot longer.

I have never been through a storm that lasted so long.

It seemed as if Mawar mounted me and started whaling away at my face.

A ground and pound beating from someone a million times your size.

That’s what Super Typhoon Mawar felt like, and throwing in the towel couldn’t help me.

I’ve Googled “How long does a typhoon last” and not even Google could give me a solid answer.

In my experience, typhoons can last anywhere from 3-8 hours and can increase or decrease in wind speed at any moment.

In other words, typhoons are unpredictable, and there isn’t a set number on how long they last.

They can travel around 10 miles per hour, and it can feel like forever.

That’s what Mawar did.

What Eye?

Image credit: CNN

Everyone knows that typhoons come with an eye.

Heck, even Fort Niters know it.

It’s that middle part of the typhoon that gives everyone a break from all that craziness.

With Mawar, that break never came.

Instead of the eye, we saw an increase in strength and gusts like no other.

The winds got stronger, the rain got heavier, and there was no calming whatsoever.

I think it’s safe to say that the eye never came directly over the island.

My Experience With Typhoons

As an adult, comparing the fear that came with Super Typhoon Omar to Mawar is very similar but different in its own way.

First, I live in a completely different area, which is more away from the jungles and populated areas of the island.

I’m also living in a condo rather than a house, and we don’t have to deal with all the outdoor preparation that comes with living in other areas.

It takes a lot more to survive a super typhoon than other natural disasters, and I want to share what I did.

I can tell you what I’ve done in the past compared to what I do now, especially with the many changes I’ve made.

How I Survived Super Typhoon Mawar


Super Typhoon Mawar was no doubt a storm to remember.

With wind speeds of 140MPH and gusts up to 165MPH, a lot of preparation was needed to combat this storm.

Me, I have prior knowledge of what typhoons do, so I wasted no time in getting the necessities to survive a typhoon.

Here’s a simple list of what you need to do to survive a typhoon like Mawar.

Prepare Way in Advance

Once you hear that there’s a typhoon coming, you need to get everything you need.

Most people will procrastinate, and this will leave crowds of people right before the storm hits.

Avoid the madness and get everything you need ahead of time.

Check out this list to see what you will need.

Secure Everything

Unless you want to panic and put your life and other people’s lives in danger, you need to make sure every little thing is secured.

Take all the junk from outside your house and put them in storage, your garage, or somewhere that will keep it from flying everywhere.

Don’t count on the storm being weak, but rather prepare for a real-life disaster.

Protect All Windows

Nowadays, on the islands in the southern Pacific region, most houses are built with typhoon shutters installed.

If your house or apartment doesn’t have any, find some plywood and board up your windows.

Too many windows break during a typhoon, so be prepared and prevent that from happening.

Prepare For Flooding

When you think of a typhoon, you think of strong winds.

Most tend to forget that these things come with rain, and a lot of it at that.

Inspect your house to see where possible leaks might occur.

Some spots in your house might already be leaking, which will only mean that the typhoon will make things worse.

Think Ahead

No one ever thinks about what will happen after a typhoon.

They don’t anticipate losing power or water, and they end up hating life.

Yes, you need canned foods and drinking water but don’t forget about your toilets that need water in order to flush.

Do you even know how to manually flush a toilet?

Those are things you need to think of, or you’ll find yourself acting like a fawn taking its first steps.

Portable Chargers

We live in a digital world, and as much as we want to get outside, our smartphones are things we can’t live without.

I found myself with 10% battery life in the middle of Super Typhoon Mawar, and although I knew my wife charged our power bank, I knew it wasn’t enough.

Only after the fact did I think that we needed more than just a power bank.

Portable chargers are great, but it’s times like this when something like a Jackery will come in handy.

Pics of Super Typhoon Mawar

Super Typhoon Mawar caused damages to the Ban Thai restaurant on Guam

Whenever something crazy happens, the first thing we look for is images.

Whether it’s a good or bad experience, we all want to see something.

These days, we have social media, and we get images in real-time.

How cool is that?

Now, things are a bit different when you’re in the middle of a storm and without the internet.

That’s when things get complicated.

This might be a bit later than expected, but here’s our share of pictures from our part of the island.

I don’t have the best or craziest pictures, but I do have some from my noob photographer son, Landen.


Conclusion – Always Prepare

As much as I love the island I live on, it definitely comes with its issues.

One very significant one is typhoons.

It’s not the worst of natural disasters, but it’s definitely no walk in the park.

Unless you want to suffer, I suggest you prepare, prepare, and prepare some more.

As I’m writing this post, the lines at the gas stations are beyond ridiculous.

So, if you plan on getting a generator for your comfort, remember that those things use lots of gas.

Super Typhoon Mawar was an experience like no other, and it’s one that I will never forget.

As we begin the recovery process, it still reminds me that life is very precious, and we need to treat it as such.

Be thankful for what you have, and don’t ever take anything for granted.

Goodbye, Super Typhoon Mawar.

Welcome back, sunshine.

About the author

Gus is our outdoor specialist who grew up on a farm/ranch in SD/MN. As an adult, he worked in far-off places like Antarctica, the Marshall Islands, the mountains of WY, MT, and the woods of MN. Now retired he spends his days bicycling, hiking, camping, canoeing, motorcycling, looking for semiprecious gems, gold prospecting, and spending time with his wife, children & grandchildren doing the same. He loves the outdoors, and when he's not trying to get lost somewhere, you'll find him at home working in his shop or making canvas bags & packs on his sewing machine.

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