Sitpack Campster 2 – A cool alternative?

This Campster 2 review gives insight into what we think of the chair designed for everyone and everything.

As a soccer family and outdoor lovers, we have gone through more beach chairs than we wanted to, and that’s because they are built so poorly.

You might as well call them disposable chairs.

With that happening too often, we have ventured off to getting other styles and weren’t too satisfied with what we were getting.

All that trying and testing has kept us searching for the best portable chairs and landed us looking into the Campster 2.

As huge fans of Kickstarter campaigns, we know we’ll find great prototype products, and we can help other entrepreneurs fulfill their dreams.

It’s a win/win, leaving us with the primary objective of doing a Campster 2 review.

Without being biased or simply giving in to a product, we have dug deep into the Camper 2 campaign and want to share our findings.

Campster 2 Review – Quick Overview

New & Improved
The Campster 2 By Sitpack

The Campster 2 definitely got the upgrades necessary to consider putting it on our site. If you want an affordable, convenient, stylish, and finally durable chair, this is it. Buy now and save $20 while it's still on Kickstarter. 

The Campster 2 is a portable chair with an aluminum frame that can hold up to 300 lbs of human.

It’s for those who love to get outside but still want to find a comfortable place to sit.

This chair is great for camping trips, backyard gatherings, sporting events, and other outdoor activities that can use a good chair.

What is the Campster 2?


The Camper 2 is the outdoor chair that stores in the size of a 32oz Hydroflask bottle.

It opens up easier than most portable chairs I’ve owned/seen, and it is also supposed to be more comfortable.

The idea of the Campster 2 is excellent, but I want to give you insight into what you can expect.

Follow along with this Campster 2 review to see if this is a worthwhile investment.

Before You Buy the Campster 2

I’m sure we all like what we see, but there are still other things we need to consider before buying the Campster 2.

Some purchases we end up regretting, while others we are very pleased and even consider buying more.

But before you go buying anything without knowing much, here are some things you should know about the Campster 2.

The Campster is Crowdfunded


The Campster 2 product comes from Kickstarter, which means people like you and me fund it before they produce and ship out any products.

If you’re unfamiliar with sites like Kickstarter and Indiegogo,

Sitpack is a Trusted Company

As much as we love supporting Kickstarter campaigns, not everyone is as honest as we would like them to be.

Some create a campaign with an actual product but fail to deliver.

With Sitpack, they have had previous campaigns in the past, and they delivered.

At the very least, you know you’ll get the Campster 2 once the campaign is fully funded.

Back the Campster 2 and Save $20

The Campster 2 is Fully Funded

As of the writing of this Campster 2 review, the campaign has surpassed its goal of $20,000 by a landslide.

With over 10,000 backers, the campaign has raised over $1.2 million.

This is great for the company and especially you, the customer, as this means they can now go full force with production.


The Campster 2 Seems Promising

When it comes to products you have never seen or touched, it’s hard to tell if it’s made from quality materials.

This requires you to really pay attention to what is being presented and use your judgment.

With a good history and many happy customers, we will say that the Campster seems to be a good investment.

What I Like About the Campster 2

Now that we’ve gone over the technical aspects of the Campster 2, I want to review some of the stuff that makes this a good purchase.

As much as we love to be outside and get all the cool outdoor gear, it doesn’t mean we are in the business of throwing money away.

We love great products at great prices and are not ready to part with our hard-earned money.

If you want to know what makes the Campster 2 that cool, here are several reasons.

The Campster 2 is Affordable

Lots of things in life are a waste of money.

They seem like the best thing since sliced bread, and then, bam!

You’re stuck with a product you wish you never bought.

That’s how things are with many things we’ve tested in the past, but we’re still waiting to get the Campster 2 in our hands.

In the meantime, I think the price is fair and very much affordable.

The Campster 2 Looks Durable

I want to say that the Campster 2 can withstand anything, but as mentioned earlier, I’m still waiting to get it.

As for now, the construction looks a lot better than similar chairs I’ve had.

Not to mention their 300 lb limit, which is just about the capacity of your typical folding chair.

If a chair promises to hold that much weight, I definitely have to try it for myself.

Don’t forget that the fame is made out of aluminum, so that is definitely going to be a lot more durable than most chairs in its class.

12″ Seating Height

When it comes to portable chairs, they’re mostly lowriders that aren’t good for your back and knees.

It’s something we have to deal with if we want the whole “portable” part of the chair to be accomplished.

The Campster 2 isn’t your average chair, though, as the legs extend and allow for 12 inches of seating height.

Not bad Sitpack, and great job considering that.

Conclusion – The Campster 2 is Not Too Shabby

I don’t know how many portable chairs we need to go through, but what can we do when most of them are more disposable?

We act like the little engine that could, and we buy, buy again.

Just kidding.

You make the final decision.

Do you think the Campster 2 is worth backing?

We think so, so please share your thoughts in the comments section below.

About the author

Gus is our outdoor specialist who grew up on a farm/ranch in SD/MN. As an adult, he worked in far-off places like Antarctica, the Marshall Islands, the mountains of WY, MT, and the woods of MN. Now retired he spends his days bicycling, hiking, camping, canoeing, motorcycling, looking for semiprecious gems, gold prospecting, and spending time with his wife, children & grandchildren doing the same. He loves the outdoors, and when he's not trying to get lost somewhere, you'll find him at home working in his shop or making canvas bags & packs on his sewing machine.

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